To increase ability to socialise. To be able to attend different, sport related activities in the community.
The Intervention
We agreed to work towards a goal: “to commit to and enjoy weekly social enrichment opportunities”
7 sessions completed.
1 session took place at the local golf centre and another in an open access youth club setting.
YP rated his goal progress from 1/10 at the start to 10/10 at the end of the intervention.
YP is committing to 2 weekly sport enrichment opportunities is a structured environment.
YP has made progress on his Mind Star – making noticeable improvements in his ability to express emotions and seek support, healthy lifestyle and how well he uses his time.
A secondary outcome as reported by YP is significant improvements in his feeling and attitude towards school; this is evidenced by increased attendance and attainment.
YP will continue to attend sport related social enrichment opportunities and will attend Positive Futures open access groups from time to time.
YP’s timetable has been increased and he is spending more time in mainstream education and less in Alder Centre for Education
“I actually liked coming to Positive Futures and I’d like to come back to the groups”
This week, we’ve began running a brand new programme for our young people 😊
Our Youth Development team have listened carefully to what our young people want and have expertly planned fun and educational sessions for everyone 💜😁