Case Study | Low mood and struggling with socialising
What was the reason for the referral?
- Young person (YP) was referred due to having difficulties with low mood.
- YP struggles with making friends and socialising with others.
- YP to be able to go out more and have some time away from home, where there is a younger sibling with ASD difficulties and doesn’t attend school, including have support doing things they enjoy.
- Aiding in increasing confidence and self-esteem
- Feeling more able to leave the house to participate in activities that they enjoy
- To make new friends and engage with other young people, of a similar age, in a face-to-face manner, rather than online
What support was provided?
- 4 1-2-1 session provided in boosting confidence and self-esteem, enabling YP to attend PF activities and having increased self-worth
- YP engaged in other arts and craft activities that were put on by another TSS worker, as well as engaging in evening youth activity
- Enabling YP to understand that “overwhelming” feelings are natural, encouraging YP to use breathing/grounding techniques when in this state of mind
- Signposting Mum to ASD online courses
- YP regularly attends a number of activities at Positive Futures and is confident to do so without the support of PF Staff
- Young person getting out more by attending riding lessons
- Increased confidence/self-esteem scores in Goal Based Outcome and Mind Star baseline assessments. YP scored themselves 4/10 on the first GBO assessment; this changed to 9/10 when completing exit scores
- On entry with the Mind Star, YP scored themselves 24; however, this increased to 27 on exit. This also included significant improvements in regards to how they answered in more detail each scoring on an individual basis
- YP reported, “it feels like a dream, it doesn’t feel real” when asked about their personal progress
- YP advised that PF is a “home away from home”.
YP repeatedly advised that PF is “amazing”; they have reported feeling “pleased” and “proud”, as well as stating that PF has “made me happier and I can be myself around other people”.