CASE STUDY | Young person is becoming increasingly anxious and worried
Wednesday, 10 May, 2023
CASE STUDY | Young person is becoming increasingly anxious and worried
Reason for referral
YP is becoming increasingly anxious and worried about the slightest thing
Anger outbursts in school hitting out at mum and in school
Becoming defensive and fighting with friends which is out of character.
Goals / Support Agreed
To deliver sessions in order for YP to develop strategies to help deal with anxiety and anger both at home and in school.
To provide YP with a positive male role model to discuss issues with and confide in.
Support Provided
1-2-1 support/mentoring sessions carried out at Primary School looking at:-
Anger management
Building and maintaining relationships
Consequences of actions
Impact of bereavement on YP and family
A better understanding of when people/things were having a negative impact on their life.
Identify triggers of their anger and when they needed to employ techniques/strategies they had learned to manage their anger instead of lashing out and becoming physically aggressive.
The number of incidents YP has been involved with in school has reduced significantly although they were involved in one physical altercation when another pupil decided to inform others that the YP’s grandfather had passed away.
YP is now seeking out staff members to support them when they feel they are being treated unfairly or has identified something which is triggering them.
YP believes they have a better relationship with their mother and can address issues with her instead of letting them play on their mind and affect their day-to-day life.
YP also informs TSS worker they are happier at home and sleeps better as a result of feeling able to discuss issues with mum/school staff.
“YP working with TSS Worker has helped both school and mum understand what is troubling them and moving forward how we can help they as they transitions in to Y6.”
As a school, with lots of children struggling with their, emotions and Mental Health we find Positive Futures very useful and helpful. The team’s expertise and knowledge is something that we really appreciate
Thanks again for your support at Wellesbourne!”
Joanna Moore – Pastoral Support at Wellesbourne Primary School.
This week, we’ve began running a brand new programme for our young people 😊
Our Youth Development team have listened carefully to what our young people want and have expertly planned fun and educational sessions for everyone 💜😁